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Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Night is never hasty to leave darkness
As eyes meander inquest of sweet breeze
for warmth to clinch in snow piqued hours
as soul needs light of joy to embrace.

by love of light don`t you like this world?
do you need nonetheless some other space?
yet in the valley of moonlight we are travelers
as white beacons to guide to trudge untrodden path’

neither to right nor to left for quaint quest to delve
as truth of reality looks straight forward to follow
heart longs to belong musk of beauty to blossom
as curve sparks to spur ardour within for assonance

soliloquy of sorrow blurs from blue vanquished
buoyancy of red to reverberate in midst of gloss
as crystals sparkle in resonance to wake from rigidity
for unison to rave up spree in milieu of own reverie.

I need a cup of dream for a whisper to green
memoirs hulk by snow chilled night of lone void
when stillness haunts to grip hope of slumber
dregs of silence miffs to roll on unto another dawn.

Friday, August 21, 2015


Love blooms jingling over rungs of rose,
heart resonates being adored in resilience,
in midst of mellow soft joy reposes to flow,
consciousness premediates law of evolution

mist inebriates falling upon sheen of green,
moon regales being braced of betiding blue,
hope blushes weaving webs of honeycomb within,
verdure refreshes embracing warmth of sun

elation is ultimate salience to run around curve
mind vies as heart relegates to pardon in parole
delusion scars deep to carry onto path blind-fold
adherence to middle path is safe journey to go

green of green wakes up to awaken dream,
murky silhouette shuffles on rune of silence,
known or unknown quibbles to attune illusion,
God-particle (Higgs-boson) yet evokes enigma.

wind rustles the reed to and fro all through.
when buoyancy bolsters to float over void.
sparking dew awaits to redeem beyond afar,
by crown own kingdom I am as I am yet intoned.